
We are thrilled to announce the publication of Wayfinding, a poetry anthology that we have curated and edited together, by the venerable Finishing Line Press. More than 50 poets share moments of transformation and wonder that have been inspired by parks and public lands, alongside original photography by Derek Wright, and short essays by Amy Beth and Derek Wright. This is a striking color print book of poetry, and the perfect gift for outdoors enthusiasts and readers alike who enjoy the intersection of parks and poetry.

Featuring the work of…Pamela Ahlen, Mary Ardery, Phillip Bannowsky, Karen Berry, Gary Bloom, Jack C. Buck, Jeff Burt, Pamela Hobart Carter, Amanda Lin Costa, Carol Deering, Ann DeVilbiss, Iris Jamahl Dunkle, Susan Melinda Dunlap, Sara Eddy, Celeste Emmons, Andy Fogle, Laura Foley, Christine Gelineau, Mike Good, Atreyee Gupta, Lois Marie Harrod, Katherine Hester, Emily Alta Hockaday, Alicia Hokanson, Mary Christine Kane, Susan Marsh, Robert McHugh, Kathleen Meadows, Kevin Oberlin, Rebecca Hart Olander, Francis Opila, Carl “Papa” Palmer, Elizabeth Paul, Kristin Bryant Rajan, Cinthia Ritchie, Nicole Robinson, Marian Kaplun Shapiro, Sarah Stern, Virginia Chase Sutton, Dorothy Swoope, Debbie Theiss, Marjorie Thomsen, Kerry Trautman, Gene Twaronite, Kory Wells, Pat Phillips West, Allyson Whipple, Martin Willits Jr., Sally Zakariya, and Tom Zimmerman.

“When visiting national parks, we mostly rely on our visual senses to record the memory. But the poetry in Wayfinding touches other senses, wrapping the reader in bird chirps, campfire smells, and cool earthen textures. In doing so, the poems lure us into the interior journeys that shape our emotional connections to the parks.

The poetry, written by mostly published and award-winning poets, walks paths through dank cedar forests and red-walled canyons, below upthrusts of granite and through the soggy wetlands of the mind, reminding us that our park experiences are all different, yet all part of what the wild offers. The words focus our attention on both the inward and outward journey on public lands. They nudge us to experience the parks more fully–to slow down to let all of our senses engage with often-missed wonders.”

—Becky Lomax author of Moon Guides’ Moon USA National Parks: The Complete Guide to All 62 Parks.

The book is available now for pre-order, via Finishing Line Press’s order page here.

We’re also featuring a series of live online events, poetry readings, lively discussions with rangers, and a chance to ask questions to the featured writers. The events are held via Zoom, but a simulcast will be available on our YouTube page!

Wayfinding Readings and Live Events